What is a Mini-Forest?

What is a mini-Forest?

The mini-forest approach involves planting native species of trees and shrubs to recreate the layers of a natural forest tailored to the site’s environment. Seedlings are planted close together to shade out weeds and reduce competition. The site is carefully prepared, planted, mulched, watered, and tended at the beginning, and within a few years, the native climax forest becomes generally self-sustaining. Mini-forests are often planted on degraded land in urban areas.

Who created the first mini-forest?

Akira Miyawaki was a Japanese Botanist who dedicated his life to researching how people could use plants to restore infertile land. Miyawaki created the Miyawaki Method, a technique of planting certain species of native trees in a small space to accelerate plant growth. Miyawaki’s forests were a direct inspiration to the Iowa Mini-Forest.

What does it take to grow a mini-Forest?

The first step to growing a Mini-Forest involves selecting a suitable site and preparing the soil, followed by planting a mix of native trees, shrubs, and ground cover close together in layers. Early on, the forest requires regular watering and mulching, but over time it becomes self-sustaining. Community involvement in the process helps ensure its success, and the outcome is a small, biodiverse green space that contributes positively to the environment.

What Are the benefits of mini-Forests?

  • They grow fast and are more biodiverse than those usually planted by conventional methods.
  • They can store significant amounts of carbon in a small area, helping meet climate goals. 
  • They help reduce runoff and improve air quality. 
  • They serve as shady green oases that provide wildlife habitat for diverse species, especially birds and insects. 
  • They can serve as important areas for environmental and science education.

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